RAN Technology

RAN Technology Videos

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Ham Radio Information
W9RAN's Pico Rx Presentation from W9DYV Technical Symposium

This presentation was first made to the W9DYV Technical Symposium in Collinsville IL,  Jan 17, 2025. ...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
W9RAN's Pico Rx - simple SDR Demonstration

This video shows my Simple Pico Rx in operation.   It's based on the Pico Rx project by Jonathan Dawson 101Things:  https://github.com/dawsonjon/PicoRX Scroll down for links to m...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
Dry Socks and a $5 Ring

This video is not about radio, it is about my mom and dad.    A decorated WWII veteran,  my dad, who later became WAØOHP, came home from the war a changed man in many way...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
Quantum Spectrum - a DSP option for SDRs
and maybe ALL radios (someday)

The Quantum Spectrum is an add-on DSP that provides real-time spectrum and waterfall display for any SDR providing IQ outputs.   This includes the Xiegu G90, uSDX, (tr)uSDX, mCHF, Elecraft, and ...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
The 1859 Carrington Event

On September 3, 1859 the Memphis Tennessee Daily Appeal noted a most startling event. “On Thursday night last, about 12 o clock, the heavens were suddenly lit up as with a half dozen moons.&rd...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Documentary features Montana Hams

Student filmmakers from the University of Montana investigate the culture of Montana Amateur Radio Operators, or "hams", as they recount their admiration for the global Amateur Radio commun...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

RAN Technology Product demos
Build a Digital Oscillator and Complete Tube Transmitter for AM -- The R.A.N. Transmitter

Master homebrewer Jay Miller KK5IM describes his homebrew transmitter.     Major elements are the exciter which uses the RAN Technology 4-channel oscillator board, the 100 watt modulat...  READ MORE
RAN Technology Product demos

History and Humor
At the Connections Museum in Seattle
the insane telephone technology that led to today's computers

Fascinating rarely seen, fully functioning telephone exchange equipment, from the electro-mechanical 1900's to the all-computerized system of the 1970s. Next time you use a modern computer, give...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
The Story of Heil Sound
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame presentation

How exactly did Ye Olde Music Shop in Marissa, IL become a centerpiece of the rock and roll universe? Heil Sound, founded by Bob Heil K9EID, has been a driving force behind professional sound...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Earl "Madman" Muntz

| Everyone with an interest in electronics has heard of "Madman" Muntz - the self-made milionaire entrepreneur who became famous for "Muntzing", where he was said to have compon...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Scranton AT&T Long Lines Microwave Tower

  Ever wonder what the view would be like from the top of one of those old microwave towers that used to dot the landscape?    Most have been removed, as they started becoming o...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Recording - 50's style

  Sound engineer Lincoln Grounds takes the viewer into Sugar Ray’s Vintage Recording Studio in the UK to find out why it’s still valid to record an entire band to tape, with on...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
High Speed A/D Conversion in 1965, with a Vacuum Tube!

A short video about an amazing piece of technology that became obsolete before it was even used - a 1965 vintage analog to digital converter - using vacuum tube technology! ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
W5IG has a cool transmitter

W5IG "Inspector Gadget" proudly shows off his cool transmitter. .. ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
From the Transatlantic Telephone to the iPhone
Wired...or wireless?

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007 as a product that "changes everything" - many would say it was derived primarily from wireless technology - a better version of phones that came...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of

Another outstanding video about Analog Computers, setting the stage for their comeback.    If names like Laplace, Fourier, and Kelvin make your eyes glaze over because of the maths, sit bac...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
We're Building Computers Wrong

Excellent video about analog computers - and why this may not be a dead technology. ...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Tactical Communication - The HF Renaissance in the US Army
HF works. Always has.

With the invention of of satellite, tropospheric scatter, Line-of-Sight (LOS) microwave and fiber optic communication technologies, HF communication's importance slowly faded for military comm...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
"A Little Bit Of Everything" (1928 Radio Broadcast)
The 1920s Channel on YouTube

Ever wonder what radio actually sounded like in the early days, aside from the old time radio shows?    The "1920s' Channel" says  "Here is a collection of1920s radi...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
Pirate Interference with Russian UVB-76 "The Buzzer" - January 2022
using SonicPhoto to generate waterfall images

Tension between Russia and Ukraine are high as Russian has begun putting troops on the border between the two countries. But shortwave radio has been producing some interesting activity on what&rsqu...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
"Short Wave"
Father Knows Best, season 3 episode 21

This episode from the 3rd season of "Father Knows Best" is based on intercepting marine radio calls - and soon a distress signal - from the "Betty Ann" on a Zenith Transoceanic sho...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
RCA Tube finishing operations
Lancaster PA 1966

  Fran Blanche shares a rare training film made by RCA in it's vacuum tube plant in Lancaster PA in 1966.   There is no sound, this film was intended to be used internally but Fr...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Your Career in Radio and Television!
1940 edition

  The Antique Wireless Association has found another gem from the past - a 1940 Vocational Guidance Films, Inc. career profile titled "Radio and Television" in its "Y...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
WRL Duo-Bander 84 demonstration
My demo of this innovative transceiver

WRL brought it's A-game to the design of the Duo-Bander 84 in late 1966 when it was already a leading supplier of SSB transceivers in it's Galaxy line.   So why risk offering a less-expe...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
The Transistor
A 1953 documentary by AT&T, anticipating the transistors coming impact on technology

Made between the 1947 invention of the transistor at Bell Labs and the 1956 awarding of the Nobel Prize for Physics to its creators, this documentary is less about the discovery itself than its antici...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
"Announcers Blues"
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra

Every radio nut will recognize three notes in this snappy tune! ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
JSB-20 Synthesizer demo
Tuning and USB/LSB selection

This is a short video that shows my external Arduino-controlled frequency synthesizer that is used to make the JRC JSB-20 frequency agile.     Tuning is implemented  by means of u...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
JRC JSB-20 SSB Radiotelephone Demonstration
Vintage Sideband Net 12-12-20

This shows the JSB-20 portable 10 watt radiotelephone in operation using my 80 meter dipole checking into the Vintage Sideband Net with W9JFM.   Dan is in Algoma WI, 195 miles from my QTH in Fre...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
John Sargrove - the Father of Modern Electronic Manufacturing Automation
E.C.M.E and a man decades ahead of his time

You've probably never heard the name John Sargrove before, but we've all benefited from the electronic manufacturing revolution he tried to start in the middle of the 20th century.  &nbs...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Drone video tribute to legendary DC station WMAL
Site was demolished in 2016

This is a short montage honoring WMAL Radio in Washington, DC, featuring a few stills from station archives, sandwiched around a drone video of Bethesda, MD transmitter site recorded in March of 2015....  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Telecommunications Radio, Ham, Teletype, Telex, Telephone, Computer, Electronics, 1966
Film about the International Telecommunications Union

Interesting 20 minute historic film produced by the ITU to tout it's mission and accomplishments, but which provides a look at quite a range of mid-60s era vintage equipment and technology. ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Radio Aids to Navigation: the Radio Range and Radio Compass
1941 Training Film by the US Army Air Corps

  Periscope Films provides this vintage training film and the following commentary with callouts for specific aspects of radio navigation, including the Four Course Radio Range (Adcock Ran...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Treasures and Pleasures of the 1960s
Do we, do we remember these?

The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. ..Ford's new Mustang...eating sugar without guilt....do you remember the  60's? A great 8 minute compliation by YouTuber FredFlix: The World We Knew ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
History of the American Radio DJ
celebrating National Radio Day

Wherever you lived during the golden age of Top 40 radio, chances are you were within the sound of at least one of the voices you'll hear in this salute by Rado's Best Friend, Art Vuolo. ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Field Day - RSGB Style!
Archive video from 1947

  Fantastic archive footage of the National Field Day, 7 and 8 June 1947, (mostly around SE England) - lots of cool old radios. bugs and keys, generators and masts - families and suits a...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
The Bob Heil Story
How a ham and sound engineer revolutionized rock and roll

  He invented speakers, mixing boards and equipment that revolutionized concert sound. And then there's the talk box. Just ask Joe Walsh or Peter Frampton about Heil an...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Field Radio receive test
K5UJ calling CQ

Initial testing of W9RAN Field Radio on 75 meters, with Rob K5UJ kindly providing a test signal. Receiver and transmitter are light aircraft radios from the early 1940s which have been conver...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
Happy 228th Birthday to Samuel F. B. Morse
Inventor of the first digital mode

It's a bit humbling to realize that the United States had only been a country for 15  years when the man who invented the Morse Code was born. Samuel Finley Breese Morse, (April 27, 1791 &n...  READ MORE
History and Humor

RAN Technology Product demos
Simple AM BC Radio using just an LM-386 audio IC
it's surprisingly good!

  The LM-386 has long been a favorite audio amplifier for getting the audio from a direct conversion or other type of receiver up to the 1 watt level to drive a speaker.    But ...  READ MORE
RAN Technology Product demos

History and Humor
The Incredible Machine
Computer graphics in 1968 and the shape of things to come

  The Bell Labs 'Graphic 1' computer system consisted of a Digital Equipment Corporation 'PDP-5' computer coupled with input devices such as the 'Type 370' light pe...  READ MORE
History and Humor

History and Humor
Godzilla 2019 Trailer
Battle of the Boatanchor Radios?

  Personally, I've never been a fan of Godzilla or other manic monster movies, and yet there is a new one coming this summer.   Believe it or not, this will be the 35th movie of ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
Crystals Go To War
A documentary about the technology that won WWII

Clear communications were critical to the success of the Allies in World War II. The stability of the Allied transmitters and receivers depended on the performance of tiny quartz crystals. During WW...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

History and Humor
"Shortwave...take it down, quick!"
The Three Stooges copying CW

Larry, Moe, and Curly need a little more CW practice, but their Morse sounder has a nice T-9 CW tone! ...  READ MORE
History and Humor

Ham Radio Information
LM386 audio amplifier makes a really good regenerative receiver!
Demo of simple AM BC receiver breadboard

I'm nuts for minimalist solutions. ..as the wise old engineers would say "It's easy to make a circuit work if there's no limit on parts or cost".    Early televis...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Emergency Radio telephone circa 1939
Field Day, Ma Bell style...

Interesting 3 minute video showing how AT&T used portable radio equipment to provide telephone communications after disasters disrupted wirelines.     "And it only weighs a fe...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
WWII Command Set radio checkout in a P-47 Thunderbolt
Radio Mechanic Jones...bring your screwdriver, you have a lot of Dzus fasteners in your future!

PREFLIGHT RADIO INSPECTION FOR FIGHTER AIRCRAFT is a WWII film made for newbie Army Air Force Radio Mechanics. The film shows a P-47 Thunderbolt's SCR274 radio being checked out on the ground, p...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
The Sputnik Moment - the day everything changed
Oct. 4, 1957

It was a 58 cm (23 in) diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses on 20. 005 and 40.010 MHz. Its radio signal was easily detectable even by ...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Heathkit Interviews - the Heathkit Files
A couple of the "hams at Heath"

"The Radio Geek" on YouTube atteneded the 2016 Heathkit Employee Reunion and interviewed two of the long-time "hams at Heath".     David Poplewski and Ed Mos...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

Ham Radio Information
Ham Radio and Disaster Preparedness
A California ham's vintage radios featured in EMCOMM video

CATHEDRAL CITY, Calif. - The Coachella Valley is prone to potential natural disasters like earthquakes which could knock out many lines of communication. If that happens ham radios can be the key in...  READ MORE
Ham Radio Information

RAN Technology Product demos
Controlling external devices using VERSA-TR
VERSA-TR can be used as an RF-actuated switch to control external devices such as a linear amplifier.

Sometimes it's nice to be able to turn something on/off when RF is present.    A common example is to key a linear amplifier without having to run DC control signals, or to turn on an &...  READ MORE
RAN Technology Product demos
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