RAN Technology


Historic Information
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TV Duplexer

Some things are interesting, even if totally useless nowadays.    Such is the case with the Philco 426-3034 Crossover Kit for UHF TV.   What the heck is that? Well, back in the late 50s,  UHF television stations operating on channels 14-83 started to appear in many areas of the US where viewers had a VHF-only TV antenna, and in many cases an externa UHF converter...  READ MORE
My Own Ham Radio Story by W9RAN

Everyone has a story of how they got involved in ham radio - this is mine.    It started much earlier, including receiving a Knight Kit Span Master shortwave radio for Christmas in about 1963, at age 12.   I'll never forget the night my dad and I finished building it and I wanted to try it out.   It came with a 50 ft. antenna which was still coiled up - bu...  READ MORE
Don Taylor of the Yukon, and the Trappers Sched

Most of the articles on this site are about hams, or  ham radio.    This one is not about a ham but about a man who built as much a reputation through HF radio as any ham on top of the BPL ever did.    Don Taylor is one of those rugged independent-minded people who thrive on a lifestyle most of us couldn't even imagine - as a trapper in Canada's Yukon wildern...  READ MORE
KYW-KFKX - Linking Broadcasting Stations by Shortwave

  Most radio fans know the history of KDKA  but maybe not "the rest of the story". In November 1920 the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company began operation of a radio broadcasting station, KDKA, in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, often described as the "Pioneer Broadcasting Station of the World."  KDKA is generally considered to be the ...  READ MORE
AT&T Scranton LongLines tower

The microwave network constructed by AT&T Long Lines and other telecommunications companies in the past 50 years were engineering masterpieces using state-of-the-art technologies and some were designed to withstand nuclear attack during that Cold War era.      This is a non-hardened site on top of a mountain in upstate New York that existed long enough for graffiti taggers...  READ MORE
The Elgin National Watch Company Time Broadcasts

  Visitors to the Elgin National Historic area along the Fox River in Elgin Illinois may not realize they are at the site of a famous shortwave radio station - W9XAM - the time signal station operated by the Elgin Watch Company. Elgin was the only watch company maintaining an observatory that observed, recorded and broadcasted time from the stars correct to the hundredths of a...  READ MORE
Robert and Richard Santin - true ham heroes

When I was first licensed in the 1960s in Nebraska, two groups of hams were commonly heard on the air before those with jobs got off work - other teens like me and the disabled hams.    Some of my earliest Novice ham buddies were blind students at the Nebraska School for the Blind in Nebraska City, and there were many other visually-impaired hams, all of whom were exceptional operators,...  READ MORE
The William L. Howard Museum

LTC William L. Howard amassed a collection and in fact realized his dream of creating a museum that showcased the Army's technical intelligence operations - and a lot more.  The following excerpt was written by Col. Howard and Todd KA1KAQ: William L Howard I first got interested in radio while a Cub Scout back in 1954...  READ MORE
History of the Quartz Crystal Industry

Two excellent papers on the history of the quartz crystal industry. 1.   A HISTORY OF THE QUARTZ CRYSTAL INDUSTRY IN THE USA With the aid of many of the people who were involved, this paper is an attempt to record the history of the quartz crystal industry in the USA. Although crystal units were in use at least a decade earlier, the beginning of the quartz crystal ind...  READ MORE
Adams-Morgan Co. radio parts catalog from 1915

Fascinating catalog from the "DigiKey of early radio" - the Adams Morgan Co. aka "AMCO" of Upper Montclair NJ. Download from the "Attachments" link below. ...  READ MORE
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